Propolis Wax (Propolis Cera)

Propolis cera is the waxy component of the resinous material found in beehives, is produced by bees and is used as a construction material for repairs. To protect the hive and its nutritious contents from attack by micro-organisms, propolis has anti-microbial properties. Propolis is comprised of a complex of chemicals (especially flavonoids), which play a role as antiviral and antibacterial agents. Analysis of this material shows it to be almost identical to the resin found on the leaf buds of the Birch (Betula verrucosa). It is already used in alternative medicine and has been examined for its antibiotic properties, but it is likely that even greater information on this material will appear in the future. No side effects have been reported for propolis. Propolis has been reported to be non-irritating and safe for topical use.
CAS: 85665-41-4
Function: Antiseborrhoeic/ moisturising/ smoothing.
Dweck, Anthony. Handbook of Natural Ingredients (Dweck Books 4) . Dweck Data. Kindle Edition.