Leak test
A cosmetic leak test is a test that is conducted to ensure that the packaging of a cosmetic product is airtight and does not leak. The test is done by pressurizing the package and then looking for a drop in pressure over time.
The purpose of a cosmetic leak test is to ensure that the product is safe to use and that it will not spoil or become contaminated during its shelf life. The test also helps to prevent the product from drying out or evaporating.
There are a few different methods that can be used to conduct a cosmetic leak test. One common method is to use a differential pressure decay leak tester. This type of tester uses a pump to pressurize the package and then measures the rate at which the pressure drops over time. A leak will cause the pressure to drop more quickly.
The cosmetic leak test is an important part of the quality control of cosmetic products. It helps to ensure that the products are safe and effective for consumers to use.